cricket matches schedule of world cup 2023.

cricket matches schedule of world cup 2023.

schedule of world cup 2023

The ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 is one of the most anticipated events in the world of cricket. Scheduled to take place from October 6 to November 26, 2023, in India, the tournament will feature 10 of the world's top cricketing nations competing for the prestigious title. 

The tournament will kick off with the opening match, where the host nation India will face a formidable opponent. The round robin format will see each team playing against every other team in a total of 45 matches ensuring a high level of competition. 

The top four teams from the round-robin stage will advance to the semi finals with the final match set to be held on November 26-2023 where the world champion will be crowned. Various iconic cricket stadiums across India will host the matches adding to the excitement and fervor of the event.

Cricket fans from all over the world are eagerly awaiting the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 hoping to witness thrilling matches exceptional performances and unforgettable moments in the quest for cricketing glory.


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